Aleksander W. Jarosz
June 20, 2023

New Vulnerabilities Related to Moveit; Potential Impact of Legislation on Large Language Models



Another SQL Injection Vulnerability Has Been Reported For Moveit Software   

CVE-2023-35708 was reported on June 15. The newer vulnerability supersedes the original vulnerability CVE-2023-34362 reported May 31, and the June 9 vulnerability CVE-2023-35036. The new CVE-2023-35708 affects Moveit versions prior to 2021.0.8 (13.0.8), 2021.1.6 (13.1.6), 2022.0.6 (14.0.6), 2022.1.7 (14.1.7), 2023.0.3 (15.0.3).  Different mitigation steps are recommended depending on which patch vulnerable organizations have already applied. Reference the link from Progress for detailed steps to patch. (1

The reporting on Moveit since May 31 underscores the importance of implementing robust patch management practices. Organizations cannot patch and forget. Best practice requires further monitoring for patch updates, which may be released on an irregular schedule. Administrator teams must be keyed into such changes by monitoring for patch updates and understanding how those updates affect current efforts. The ability to address changing situations quickly and dynamically will greatly reduce exposure to known vulnerabilities.  

Large Language Model Policy Must Balance Security And Development  

The European Parliament passed a draft known as the A.I. (artificial intelligence) Act after two years of deliberation. The draft demonstrates increased attention and interest by officials to create policy to regulate large language model applications like ChatGPT (2). The legislation represents the most mature policy made public. It is very likely to set blueprints that will incentivize other nations to implement similar or related policies against generative software that expresses increased human-like capability. The US and China have publicized more limited, less comprehensive draft policies, and a handful of further countries demonstrate an interest in related legislation (3, 4). 

The European draft focuses on potential harm to humans potentially created using these new applications. The legislation also aims to regulate use by police and court systems. The use of facial recognition is one specific risk topic under further consideration, as well as model transparency and documentation.   

Large Language Models Have The Potential to Define A New Technological Era    

The technology is advancing quickly in the absence of regulations. The potential for new capability to rapidly emerge creates a power dynamic between nations over how to best balance control and development as pieces of these applications are absorbed and implemented by further technology. Too much regulation could greatly disincentivize development in some regions, shifting talent and technological benefits to other nations.

Too little regulation and developers could possibly sidestep weak policy, further developing applications that are poorly understood, and have a greater potential to be misused at a great cost to societies and governments through unpredictability. The European Union is likely to be viewed as a policy leader as a result of the comprehensive draft bill released. 

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1. MOVEit Transfer Critical Vulnerability – CVE-2023-35708 (June 15, 2023) - Progress Community.” (accessed Jun. 20, 2023).

2. A. Satariano, “Europeans Take a Major Step Toward Regulating A.I.,” The New York Times, Jun. 14, 2023. [Online]. Available: (accessed Jun. 20, 2023).

3. “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights | OSTP,”
The White House.  (accessed Jun. 20, 2023).

4. C. Che, “China Says Chatbots Must Toe the Party Line,” The New York Times, Apr. 24, 2023. [Online]. Available: (accessed Jun. 20, 2023).


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